Another World VR Park Rules


  • Run while playing
  • Smoke
  • Consume alcoholic beverages
  • Bring toxic substances, fireworks, sharp objects to the park
  • Come with food and drinks, without additional approval from the park staff
  • Entering the territory of the VR park in stained clothing
  • Coming under the influence of drugs
  • Leave children under 13 unattended
  • Take large items (skis, sledges, bicycles, etc) that may create inconvenience for other visitors.
  • Move on roller skates, skateboards, hoverboards, etc.
  • Use profanity in a speech
  • Perform other actions that violate public order, expressing clear disrespect for visitors of the VR Park

The Visitor is obliged:

Dear guests! We do not recommend playing for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, hypersensitivity to light and sound effects.