Another World VR Park Rules
Run while playing
Consume alcoholic beverages
Bring toxic substances, fireworks, sharp objects to the park
Come with food and drinks, without additional approval from the park staff
Entering the territory of the VR park in stained clothing
Coming under the influence of drugs
Leave children under 13 unattended
Take large items (skis, sledges, bicycles, etc) that may create inconvenience for other visitors.
Move on roller skates, skateboards, hoverboards, etc.
Use profanity in a speech
Perform other actions that violate public order, expressing clear disrespect for visitors of the VR Park
The Visitor is obliged:
Treat the equipment of the VR park with care, do not take targeted actions that lead to damage or breakdown of the equipment
Listen to and follow the park administrator's instructions
Comply with fire safety rules, as well as the rules established on the territory of the VR park
In case of violation of the rules, leave the territory of the VR park at the request of administrators or security services
Dear guests! We do not recommend playing for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, hypersensitivity to light and sound effects.